3 Ways for prepping teeth for veneers

5 December 2021

Veneers are some of the best options in cosmetic dentistry. But what should you expect when getting ready for veneers? Here’s all that you need to know.

Veneers are a thin layer placed at the front visible part of the teeth to look natural.

They are designed to improve your appearance or smile and correct a wide range of dental problems. These corrections include; chipped, crooked, and misaligned teeth. They are also used in filling large gaps between front teeth.

Before one gets veneers in Melbourne, they have to visit the dentist first. The dentist then assesses the problem before giving insight into veneers or any possible dental solution.

Ways for prepping teeth for veneers

Before the installation of permanent veneers, some prepping is done on the teeth being treated.

Prepping is done considering the type of veneer being used, either porcelain veneer or composite veneer. The location of the tooth being treated is another consideration. It is easy to install veneers on the front teeth in comparison to the back of the teeth. 

Here are the steps in preparing for the veneer installation:

1. Diagnosis and treatment

The doctor usually makes an initial diagnosis to know whether dental veneers are right for you. The dentist will evaluate the condition of your teeth and ensure that you don’t have any underlying conditions such as cavities.

In other cases, the dentist might take a panoramic X-ray of your teeth to ensure that your teeth are in pristine health.

 2. Trimming of the enamel

Trimming of the enamel is one of the main steps that the dentist does to prep your teeth for veneers. A consensus on whether or not to use a local anesthetic to numb the area is decided.

The dentist then reshapes the tooth surface to ensure that the veneer to be added is the size of the tooth.

3. A tooth impression is made.

A tooth impression is made with an impression material  (thick paste). The paste is mixed in a tray and held into the teeth until it sets.

An impression of how the patient’s teeth bite is also taken and the impression material applied on the top and bottom teeth’s biting surface, and the patient bites down the paste for a few minutes until it sets.

After these preparations are made, the veneer is made and finally installed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the preparation phase before getting a veneer?


The waiting period is wholly dependent on the type of veneer that you would want to get. For a composite veneer, you may get it on your second visit or even on the first visit if you are prepared for it. Porcelain veneers may require at least two to three visits for them to be finally fitted, as dentists will first have to take your impressions to the lab for creation.

Are dental veneers painful?

No. Getting dental veneers is not a painful procedure. However, patients may experience some sort of discomfort, especially after the removal of the enamel during trimming. 

How do you prepare yourself before getting veneers installed?

After your first dental visit, your veneer’s dentist will graft your enamel before taking an impression of your teeth. Before your second appointment, you may experience increased sensitivity. It would be better to stay away from cold or hot foods and drinks until you finally get your veneers installed.

Get the smile you deserve today!

Do not let chipped, cracked, or irregularly shaped teeth kill your confidence. Boost your smile and appearance by getting dental veneers installed by some of the best dental clinics in Melbourne today. 

Getting veneers is easy and you do not need to do a lot of work. For permanent veneers, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth which are sent to the lab. There will be a trial and fitting session where you get your veneers installed. 

Composite veneers do not have a long process, as you can easily get them on your first visit. 

Having any more questions or you’d like to schedule an appointment with us? Feel free to contact us and our team will be at your service.

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