Cost of dental implants in Melbourne

5 December 2021

The cost of dental implants varies depending on various factors. But what’s the average cost of dental implants in Melbourne? Here’s all you need to know.

The average cost of dental implants in Melbourne may vary anywhere between $1,500 and $7,000. The total price is variable depending on the complexity of your needs, the type of implant, the dentist, and even the location. 

In this post, we will seek to uncover how much you would pay for dental implants in Melbourne, why you would need them, among other questions that you may have regarding the same.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a popular and very effective way of replacing missing teeth. They offer a permanent, natural-looking solution for transforming smiles and restoring functionality. Dental implants are usually made from titanium screws that act as a base for your replacement tooth. 

Precision devices are used to screw the implants into the jaw bone to replace the roots of your missing teeth. Once anchored, they can be used to replace single or multiple teeth, or even all teeth. The jaw bone and implant bond over time, and the implants get fastened into place like nothing ever happened.

These implants are considered durable as they are made from titanium and are totally safe and compatible with the human body. 

There are many reasons why people may lose their natural teeth, including tooth decay, trauma, and much more. Fortunately, this is a problem with a viable solution. Dental implants in Melbourne are the ideal solution for those looking forward to restoring their brilliant smiles.

Factors affecting the cost of dental implants in Melbourne

Compared to other alternatives for replacing a missing tooth, dental implants are more expensive ‒ but for a good reason, which we will highlight shortly in this post. 

The cost of dental implants in Melbourne may vary depending on a number of factors. Some of them include: 

The material used

Most dental implants are made from titanium. It bonds well with the bone and is also bio-compatible, meaning it hardly irritates the body. 

However, there are some cases where dentists in Melbourne may use alternative materials as implants. This can be due to metal allergies, sensitivities, or even based on the patient’s preferences. Some of the other materials may include ceramic dental implants or even zirconia, one of the latest entrants into the market.

The number of implants needed.

The more implants needed, the higher the cost. Fortunately, some clinics have different pricing packages depending on the number of implants you may require. Suppose one implant costs $1,600, two implants would cost a total of say $1,300, while three may cost $1,200, etc. 

Additional procedures

A dental implant is only useful when there is a missing tooth, and there is space for an implant to be placed. If the conditions are unfavorable, the dentists will have to perform additional procedures to ensure that the implants will get in place accordingly. 

One example of a procedure is bone augmentation. 

If you lost your teeth a long while back (approximately a year), you are at risk of experiencing bone loss in your jaws. Teeth usually stimulate the jaw bone, making it strong. Tooth loss causes the jaw bone area slowly degenerate.

Bone grafting may be essential when additional bone density is required for a dental implant procedure to occur. 

Tooth extraction is yet another procedure that can be done quickly and without a fuss. If the teeth you need to replace have decay or cavities, your dentist will have to extract them before placing an implant. 

These additional procedures may incur extra cost, besides what you’d have paid for dental implants in Melbourne.

The dentist’s experience

This would come as a no-brainer, but it is still important to mention that the dentist’s experience is still crucial to the final cost of your dental implants. A more experienced dentist might charge a lot more compared to new ones that are just getting started with the trade. 

However, you can still get dental implants in Melbourne at affordable rates from some of the best and most experienced dentists. 

The location

The total cost of dental implants in Melbourne also depends on where exactly you’re getting them from. Some areas are more ‘suburb’ than others; hence the expenditure may be higher. The average cost of dental implants in Melbourne ranges between $3,000 and $7,000. 

The pricing may change depending on the precise location or suburb that you live in.

Here are some of the places in Melbourne with their average pricing: 


Suburb in Melbourne The average starting cost of dental implants
Carlton $2,500
Docklands $2,000
East Melbourne $2,850
Flemington $2,800
Kensington $2,500
North Melbourne $2,850
Parkville $2,850
Port Melbourne $2,850
Southbank $2,850
South Wharf $3,000
South Yarra $2,800
West Melbourne $3,000
Elsternwick $1,975

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of dental implants in Elsternwick?

The average cost of dental implants in Elsternwick ranges between $1,975 and $6,000. The total payable price is dependent on the material used, the number of implants needed, the dentist’s experience and any other additional procedures.

Are dental implants more cost-effective than dentures?

The immediate cost of a dental implant is higher than that of dentures. However, implants last longer, and you’ll need to replace them more often, making them less cost-effective than implants in the long run.

How can I manage the cost of dental implants in Elsternwick?

Most dental insurance providers do not cover dental implants in their plans. However, you can reduce the upfront costs by searching for discounts and offers from the dental clinics in your area. Moreover, you can inquire about financing options with your dentist, which will enable you to break the whole bill into smaller, manageable chunks.

Final thoughts

Dental implant surgery can be an expensive investment. However, the cost is worth it in so many ways. Besides having your missing tooth back to help you eat and talk, you also get your beautiful smile back, which boosts your confidence. 

There are various factors that affect the cost of dental implants, including the type of implants, the number of missing teeth, the dentist’s experience, additional required procedures, and the location. 

If you’re considering getting dental implants in Melbourne, this post takes you through the key suburbs and what you should expect to part with. Looking to replace your missing teeth? Give us a call today and we will help restore your confidence at very affordable rates.

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